Manage the handling of requests and serves as the initial point of contact 作为初始联系点来管理请求与服务
High precision of the prediction of searching initial point can reduce the number of search points to improve the search speed and search precision. 高精度的预测搜索起始点方法可以减少运动估计算法的搜索点数,提高搜索速度和精度。
The machining surface is divided into some chip and a right initial point is selected at first. 首先将加工曲面分片,选取合适的初始点。
The intersection of the nave and transept in a cruciform church. Cross-hexagon-diamond motion estimation algorithm based on initial point predictive 交叉教堂十字形教堂中教堂中殿和十字耳堂交叉的地方基于起点预测的十字-六边形-菱形运动估计算法
If it was non-reversible, I would be allowed to put an initial point and a final point, but I wouldn't be allowed to put a path between them like this, connecting them together. 如果是不可逆过程,我可以画出过程的初态点,和末态点,但是我不能再像这样,画出连接这两个点的,路径曲线来。
The median, the mean, the left block, the SAD ( Sum of Absolute Difference) comparison and other methods of the prediction of searching initial point were theoretically and experimentally analysised. 对中值,均值,左块,SAD比较等方法进行了理论介绍和实验分析,提出一种新的预测搜索起始点方法。
The hairspring produces the force to produce recovering force on the rotating shaft to ensure it coming back the initial point. 机械结构部分主要以游丝产生回复力,使传感器转轴能准确而平稳地回到起始位置点。
Get back to the initial point is going to require some input from outside, like heat or extra work or extra heat or something because you've done an irreversible process. 如果要逆转它,回到初始点,就需要外界的投入,比如额外的功,额外的热量等等,因为你进行了一个不可逆过程。
According to the findings of case study, this method is efficient in calculating gas leakage rate under the condition of different initial pressures or at different distances from the initial point. 实例分析结果表明,在不同的起始压力下或泄漏发生于距管线起点不同距离处,采用该方法来计算泄漏率是有效可行的。
Orbit Design of Lunar Precise Fixed-point Soft Landing and Selection of Initial Point 月球精确定点软着陆轨道设计及初始点选取
Cross-hexagon-diamond motion estimation algorithm based on initial point predictive 基于起点预测的十字-六边形-菱形运动估计算法
Tooth profile deviation; Effective length; Initial point; End point; 齿廓偏差;有效长度;起测点;终测点;
This paper introduces the trundle gray GM ( 1,1) model, which is improved from GM ( 1,1) model and has the best initial point and cuts down system errors. 使用改进的GM(1,1)模型,即滚动灰色GM(1,1)模型,其中模型初始点是动态且最佳的,并减少了系统误差。
Abstract: located at the initial point of the new axis of Guangzhou city, Guangzhou East Railway Station Plaza which has a new form of greening plaza, shows us a modern metropolitan style and feature which blends in well the South China landscape architecture with local features. 文摘:位于广州新城市中心轴线起点的东站广场以其新颖的“绿化广场”形式展现出现代都市风貌及岭南园林和地方特色相融合的艺术特色。
First, a special normal transversal at the initial point is constructed and a second-order Taylor's algorithm is used to trace the projections along the aforementioned normal transversal. 首先构造初始点处的一条特殊的法截线,并给出沿着该法截线追踪投影点的二阶泰勒迭代方法;
Most likely the initial point of attack. 这里可能是他最初遭到攻击的地点。
Furthermore, a discussion about working air gap, optimum initial point, and the variable for design is also presented in this paper. 文中还对工作气隙、优化初始点、设计变量进行了讨论。
Further, by combining the new hybrid conjugate gradient formula with the generalized gradient projection method, and using the method and technology for dealing with arbitrary initial point, we get a new generalized gradient projection algorithm with arbitrary initial point for nonlinear inequality constrained optimization problems. 进一步,本文将新的杂交共轭梯度公式与广义梯度投影方法相结合,并利用处理任意初始点的方法和技巧,得到一个新的初始点任意的解非线性不等式约束优化问题的广义梯度投影算法。
And this method needs a feasible interior-point as the initial point. 但是组合同伦内点法需要可行内点作为初始点。
Starting with an initial point as the root, the tree is expanded until the nodes include the goal point or a point within the goal area. 该方法以初始点为根节点进行扩展,直至随机树的叶节点中包含了目标点或目标区域中的点为止。
Analysis and Research on the Initial Point of Subcooled Boiling 流动欠热沸腾起始点计算模型的分析研究
Many problems in natural science and engineering could all be transformed into problems of solving the nonlinear equation set. The Newton iteration method is an important one dimension and multi-dimension iteration technique, its iteration itself is very sensitive to the initial point. 自然科学与工程中的许多问题都可以转化为非线性方程组的求解问题,牛顿迭代法是重要的一维及多维的迭代技术,其迭代本身对初始点非常敏感。
According to the formula for converting decay count into counting rate of the initial point in the measuring interval, an iterative method and a program for analysing multi-component decay curves with correction for decay during the counting interval have been designed. 根据放射性核素在测量区间中的测量计数与该区间始点处的放射性活度的转换公式,提出了一个在测量区间中考虑衰变校正计算的迭代方法和多组分衰变曲线分析程序。
The paper uses phase analysis to study the problem of selecting the initial point. 本文用相位分析的方法研究了初始点的选择问题。
Initial point of phase velocity of each pseudo Rayleigh wave in a given condition is determined theoretically, and it is proved that there is no group velocity of pseudo Rayleigh wave at initial point. 文中求出了给定条件下各支伪瑞利波的相速度起点,证明了在起点处不存在伪瑞利波的群速度。
The dynamical property of this model is described by dual differential equations and it can find out several stable equilibrium points from any initial point in the state space. 该模型的动态特性可由对偶微分方程描述,它具有从状态空间内任一初始点找出多个稳定平衡点的能力。
The problem is the initial point of mathematics inquiry learning. 以问题为起点进行数学探究学习。
Drawing up and implementing school development plan is the initial point of school management. 制定和实施学校发展规划,是学校管理的切入点。
Thus, in the data of the uneven distribution, we can avoid that the set of single initial point represents one class. 从而避免了在空间数据分布不均匀的情况下,各类的单个初始点集代表某个类的情况。
According to the analysis of the position and direction of the initial point and the position and direction of the target point, a combination of several arcs is determined as the path for the robot car to move along with. 通过对机器人小车起点位置和运动方向及目标点位置和运动方向的分析,确定多条最优弧的组合作为机器人小车的运动路径。